We supply a great selection of log stores including tall, narrow and small log stores, that allow you to keep your logs in one tidy spot.
Log burning fires and outdoor fire pits are popular features across many homes and gardens. It is important that logs are stored away in dry places that provide protection from exposure to rain and snow.
We supply a great selection of log stores including tall, narrow and small log stores, that allow you to keep your logs in one tidy spot of your garden.
Browse our collection to find a log store solution that both compliments your garden space and practically stores your log load.
Each of our log stores are made from high quality treated timber by Equestrian Fencing’s highly skilled team of carpenters. They are designed to provide a long-lasting and cost-effective solution to log storage. Each log store features a raised base to ensure that logs are kept off of the ground, dry and ventilated.
If you are unable to find a size or shape that meets your needs, get in contact to find out how we could build a bespoke log store.
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