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Phenolic Ply

At a glance:

  • Slip-resistant phenolic ply
  • Suitable for vehicle flooring, horseboxes and walkways
  • Internal and outdoor use
  • Thickness: 12mm and 18mm available
  • Dimensions: 1220 x 2440mm

£130.56inc. VAT£108.80ex. VAT

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Phenolic ply is an anti-slip mesh phenolic birch plywood sheet. It is made from quality WBP Baltic Birch throughout plywood, with an anti-slip mesh on one side and a smooth film face finish on the other side.

Highly resistant to moisture and corrosion, it is suitable for both internal and long term external exposure. This style of sheet material can be used for a range of applications where a non-slip surface is required including horseboxes, farmwork and walkways. Phenolic ply is very easy to work with and can be CNC machined.

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